Scope Geo
Geological and petrographic solutions
Scope Geo provides expertise in petrographic and geological services, specialising in all aspects of geology.
We deliver unmatched experience in petrographic testing.
Whether you’re a land holder interested in using your material in the construction industry, or a Tier 1 company, we can help you. Get in contact with us or submit a test request today.
ScopeGeo offers fieldwork and factual reporting for quarry inspections and assessments to determine geological setting, as well as geological mapping and assessments for hard rock sources in greenfield settings by experienced and qualified geologists.
Our services
Petrographic analysis
ASTM C295, AS 1141.65 and Q188
Need petrographic analysis? No worries! We can complete all different types of samples including:
Larger rock fragments such as hand samples, spalls and ballasts, and
Smaller products such as aggregate and sand or as a source rock.
We work to the following methods:
Petrographic analysis to ASTM C 295 Standard Guide for Petrographic Assessment of Aggregates for Concrete –petrographic testing to determine the suitability of your product for construction material, such as concrete aggregate, asphalt/sealing aggregate, road base/unbound pavement, rip rap and rail ballast or fine aggregate/sand for concrete or asphalt.
AS 1141: Standard Guide for the Method for sampling and testing aggregates methods – ideal for understanding engineering properties of construction material and provides guidance of Alkali Silica Potential of the material as well as total free silica.
Q188 –Queensland Main Roads standard for Petrographic analysis to determine suitability for use of construction material and to determine total free silica content.
ScopeGeo completes a 200-point count assessment as the base standard, well above industry norm, as it provides higher statistical accuracy.
Quarry Assessments
As Engineering Geologists, we’re able to determine geological settings for quarry inspections for production of large blocks without defects and assessments, required by all states including Queensland for QRS2, QRS3 and QRS4 and for major Marine armour rock supply contracts.
Asbestos and Free Crystalline Silica testing
Whether you’re in metropolitan Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide or Perth, or in rural or remote locations across Australia, we can complete your free crystalline silica and asbestos testing.
We can help you identify asbestos through asbestos testing practices with our petrographic assessment for Asbestos. When needed we can also use SEM analysis to determine if material is asbestiform or asbestos. We work to Australian Standard (AS) 4964 Method for qualitative identification of asbestos in bulk samples. This method can be applied to construction material as well as hardened concrete products.
Total free crystalline silica in source rock and in fine dust can only be accurately determined by Petrographic and X-Ray Diffraction testing. By Knowing your risk when working with raw material you can ensure that your employees and clients are safe. Silica dust is an epidemic of unparalleled proportions, and we’re here to help you keep your workers safe. Stop fibres from being ingested by your team by sending in your samples to us.
Secondary Mineral Content
Petrographic assessment of a products Secondary Mineral Content (SMC) is generally undertaken in accordance with AS1141.26. This standard was specifically developed to determine the SMC of basic igneous rocks such as gabbro, dolerite and basalt, whereby the secondary minerals in such rocks specifically affects the products strength and durability. As these are not the only quarried sources, this method is modified to analyse the Soft, Weak or Non-Durable Minerals within intermediate and acid igneous rocks as well as sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
Forensic Concrete Analysis
We can help you with hardened concrete petrology to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C856 Standard Practice for Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete can provided detailed micro assessment of concrete structures, including mix constituents and assessment of mechanisms causing cracking, such as Alkali-Silica Reactivity and Delayed Ettringite Formation.
Soil and rock logging
Drill core/chip logging, site walkover, geological mapping and other consultative services that require a Geologist to be on site. All of our site works are carried out in the presence of an experienced engineering geologist in accordance with AS1726.
Friction Ignition or Potential for Incendiary Sparking
ScopeGeo can complete incendive sparking potential testing or frictional ignition testing on drill core samples or hand samples from the face of coal mines.

Additional services
Geochemical analyses with interpretations to a variety of methods, including:
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer
X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Arranging testing and interpretive reports
Incendive Sparking Potential testing or Frictional Ignition Testing can be conducted on drill core samples or hand samples from the face of mines
Secondary Mineral Content (AS 1141.26) – an 1,800 point analysis carried out over three slides prepared from a construction material
Weathering Assessment to AS 1726 Geotechnical site investigations - Table 20