
With a commitment to quality customer service, thorough analysis and efficient, high-quality reporting – ScopeGeo is at the forefront of changing the way construction material is created and tested.

ScopeGeo is the brainchild of Carissa and Thomas, former study-mates in geology at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). After years working in external consulting firms, they were eager to cultivate their own practice that would intersect their expertise with respective interests.

Meet the team

BAppSc MEngSc

Carissa has a Masters in Geotechnical Engineering, working within the mining, construction and geotechnical industries and has extensive experience working as an Engineering Geologist and Petrographer

Carissa can help you with

  • Site inspections and investigations

  • Computer-based modelling

  • Site and quarry assessments

  • Factual and interpretive reporting

  • Petrographic testing of materials for use in infrastructure projects

  • Quarry assessments and registration

  • Technical advice using petrographic and geochemical techniques for material compliance, performance and durability, material diagnostic or related issues, and

  • Frictional ignition testing of sediments in coal deposits using the Ward classification diagram.

Carissa Bruggeman

Thomas Spring, ScopeGeo


Thomas has a Masters of Applied Science - specialising in petrology, geochemistry and field mapping, and has over 10 years’ experience working as an Engineering Geologist and Petrographer.

Thomas has authored four papers, including two on Alkali Silica Reactivity in concrete in Australia and New Zealand.

Thomas has extensive field experience in a range of geological environments, including Shoalwater Bay and Greenvale in Queensland, Pilbara in Western Australia, Flinders Ranges in South Australia, and the Sydney Basin in New South Wales.

Thomas can assist you with:

  • Petrographic reporting for quarry products in accordance with international/Australian standards

  • Petrographic assessment of exploration samples, determine orogenesis and deposition history

  • Petrographic testing of materials for use in infrastructure projects

  • Assessment of material for free silica and asbestiform content, and

  • Quarry assessments and registration covering geological setting, product assessment, quality management and material systems and development and production.

Thomas Spring